As the world responds to the COVID-19 pandemic, we want to share how Heuristica Discovery Counsel LLP has responded to ensure the safety of our team while permitting us to remain fully “open for business” to provide our clients with the document analysis and discovery legal services they require.  


All of our lawyers, technical professionals and support staff are now working safely from home, on Heuristica-owned equipment connected and secured via our IT provider, Vertex Solutions Corporation, which has made our transition to remote work secure and seamless.


Although we are all working remotely, collaboration, security and productivity have not been sacrificed.  Internally we are leveraging Microsoft Teams for daily huddles, meetings and one-on-one touch points – we are even more connected than ever before!  Zoom powers our external meetings, and very soon, we will be offering our popular eDiscovery Seminar Series via the same platform.


The firm continues to operate during normal business hours and having been designated an essential service we have arranged for one staff person to be present at our Toronto office to accept deliveries.  In compliance with recommended isolation guidelines and best practices couriers and messengers now are required to ring the office doorbell.  As such, we ask that you please provide us sufficient notice in advance of sending a delivery as an added precaution.


Embracing innovation and change is central to our core and we are proud to continue to offer uninterrupted services to all of our clients during these challenging times.  Please let us know how we can help you.


We are especially grateful for the efforts of all front-line service workers and medical personnel working for us – they put themselves at personal risk to ensure our health, safety and well-being.  Thank you!


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