We are pleased to announce that, beginning in mid-February, we will sponsor and teach an eight-part legal eDiscovery Seminar Series in downtown Calgary on the fundamentals of modern discovery practices, including developments in case law.
Unless it is a hand-written note, physical or oral evidence, all evidence is electronic. Over the last number of years, Canadian case law and procedural rules have changed to recognize this reality.
Recent developments can have a significant impact on litigation/arbitration and regulatory proceedings as well as on our professional obligations and responsibilities to provide clients with advice and strategy to effectively deal with electronic evidence in a defensible and proportionate manner.
To meet our changing professional obligations, it is important to understand how the law has evolved and the tools that are now available to do discovery efficiently.
The seminar series is designed for lawyers and paralegals and covers the essential elements of electronic evidence in legal proceedings and investigations.
Two seminars each month from February to May make up the 8-part series to be held at our downtown Calgary office.
The curriculum includes the following 8 seminars:
- eDiscovery Essentials – What Everyone Needs to Know about the EDRM
- The Sedona Canada Principles – How to Incorporate Them to Save your Clients Time and Money
- Avoiding Inadvertent Spoliation – Effective Legal Holds and Defensible Processes
- Effective Custodian Interviews – Identifying Sources of Producible Records and Data Mapping
- Discovery Planning – How to Prepare for and Conduct Successful Negotiations
- Beyond Keywords – The Hazards of Relying on Search Terms and Effective Identification of Relevant Information Through Iterative Review
- Review Methodology – An Agile Approach to Review and Production of Documents
- Proportionality Motions – What Evidence is Required?
The course will be led by Crystal O’Donnell, Heuristica’s CEO and Senior Counsel.
Please see the Calgary Seminar Series Flyer for more detail.
To register for one, several or all seminars, or for more information about the series, please email info@discoverycounsel.ca.
For information about how Heuristica can deliver customized eDiscovery training to your organization please contact us at info@discoverycounsel.ca.