Crystal O’Donnell, Heuristica’s CEO and Senior Counsel, will speak at a meeting of the International Legal Technology Association (ILTA) in Vancouver entitled “Ediscovery in Canadian Civil Litigation“.
In Crystal’s capacity as Chair of the Uniform Law Conference of Canada (ULCC) working group for Uniform Electronic Document Rules she will discuss the Report of the Working Group which proposes a harmonized set of civil procedure rules for electronic documents in civil proceedings in all Canadian jurisdictions.
She will discuss the policy decisions of the project and the role of the ULCC, the key features of the proposed Rule, and the next phases to implement the proposed harmonized Rule across Canada.
The September 25th lunch seminar is sponsored by Heuristica Discovery Counsel and hosted by the Vancouver office of Borden Ladner Gervais LLP.
The International Legal Technology Association (ILTA) is an international volunteer-led, staff-managed association with a focus on premiership. It aims to educate its members and connect them with peers to support their work in the legal sector. While the association has a strong focus on technology, its offerings support professionals of every stripe in law firms and corporate/government legal operations. More information about the association is available on their web site.
For more information about the session or to register please visit the registration page.