Heuristica’s Discovery ADR Service, provided by knowledgeable and experienced counsel, is a time and cost-effective way to deal with eDiscovery and electronic evidence disputes.
As you know, substantive issues can easily get bogged down in skirmishes about pre-trial discovery. You’ve likely experienced parties who act unilaterally to limit the scope of data preservation, refuse to engage in discussions toward a discovery plan, or refuse to exchange productions in a usable format. Some of these tactics can be part of a broader scheme to delay proceedings or game the rules to advantage. However, whatever the reason, pre-trial discovery issues are often complicated by technical issues that are unfamiliar to counsel, such as forensic capture, metadata extraction, or structured load files.
Ideally discovery conflicts can be settled in motions court in a reasonable period of time. Unfortunately, the reality is that motion delays are currently common and you may have to wait several months before your motion is heard.
When time is of the essence, and relevant expertise can help fashion practical, cost-effective solutions, Heuristica’s Discovery ADR Service may be the solution. Our resident Referee, Martin Felsky, acts as a neutral third-party, taking into account the legitimate needs of the parties, defensible best practices, the applicable rules of practice, Canadian case law and the Sedona Canada Principles.
Martin is recognized globally as an electronic discovery thought leader. He has taught electronic discovery to hundreds of lawyers and judges, managed discovery for some of the largest and most complex litigation files in Canada, and brings years of practical experience as a lawyer, consultant and entrepreneur in every aspect of the discovery process from information governance to presentation at trial.
For more information about our Discovery ADR Service please visit our web site or contact Martin directly at mfelsky@discoverycounsel.ca. He’d be pleased to answer questions or discuss any requirements you may have.