Crystal O’Donnell, Heuristica’s Chief Executive Officer and Senior Counsel, will speak as part of the “e-Discovery Resources – What is New” panel at the upcoming e-Discovery Institute 2017 to be held downtown Toronto on October 16, 2017.
Now in it’s 7th year, the full-day event brings together leading experts to discuss the latest developments in e-Discovery and Information Governance. In a panel intended to update attendees on recent e-Discovery initiatives, Crystal will provide an update on the work of the Uniform Law Conference of Canada, of which she is the Chair of a working group drafting proposed harmonized electronic document Rules for all civil and administrative proceedings in Canada.
The Ontario e-Discovery Institute 2017 is a joint presentation by The Advocates’ Society with the Ontario Bar Association and The Law Society of Ontario.
For more information, or to register, please visit The Advocates’ Society website here.