Leveraging Concept Clustering in eDiscovery

Leveraging Concept Clustering in eDiscovery

Candice Chan-Glasgow, Director, Review Services and Counsel, and Catia Amorim, Associate


March 4, 2019


Even after de-duplication and some initial culling, it’s not unusual to still be faced with a significant number of electronic records in a given litigation matter. 


Tools that help lawyers to “make sense” of a plethora of data and that assist in identifying key records are thus increasingly crucial to efficient and effective eDiscovery.  Fortunately, it’s possible to organize your electronic data into smaller buckets of conceptually similar documents.  One of the analytic tools that makes this possible is called “concept clustering”.… Read More

Iterative Review is More Efficient

A new study confirms what proponents of analytical ‘non-linear’ review or Iterative Legal Analysis & Sampling (ILAS) have been saying for some time: that it is more accurate and cheaper than traditional ‘linear’ review.


The study was authored by Anne Kershaw, an Adjunct Professor at Columbia University and a practicing e-discovery lawyer. Kershaw had two teams conduct a review of the same set of documents using the same review platform. One team of three contract lawyers followed a traditional ‘eyes on all documents’ approach, while the other team consisted of a single senior lawyer and a technology manager using an ILAS approach.… Read More