Technical document production struggles will not excuse undue delay

Technical document production struggles will not excuse undue delay

Wendy Cole

Director, Project Management and Counsel

October 1, 2018


The October 2017 decision of Master Graham in 683153 Ontario Limited et al. v. The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company et al. , 2017 ONSC 6024 (CanLII) serves as a cautionary tale for both counsel and clients who are unfamiliar with the complexities of producing discovery documents in electronic format.


Although this was an extreme case of delay, it stands for the broader principle that litigants cannot rely on complexity, costs and eDiscovery problems to excuse them from pursuing the case in an expeditious manner and in compliance with the timelines set out under the rules, particularly when those problems are the result of inexperience of counsel in managing large electronic productions.… Read More

Chan-Glasgow Speaks at OBA Professional Development Program

Chan-Glasgow Speaks at OBA Professional Development Program

Candice Chan-Glasgow, Heuristica’s Director, Legal Review Services and Counsel, will speak at the upcoming Ontario Bar Association Professional Development Program entitled “Forge a Better Union:  Strategies for Optimizing Coordination Between In-House and Litigation Counsel“.


The relationship between in-house counsel and their external litigation counsel can be complex, sometimes causing tension that results in a less than perfect working relationship.  While in-house counsel wrestle with doing more with less and litigating becomes more complex in our electronic age a new paradigm is needed such that the relationship between counsel ensures all parties benefit from the expertise of the other.… Read More

We’re Hiring eDiscovery Review Counsel in Calgary

We’re Hiring eDiscovery Review Counsel in Calgary

With several new projects beginning this fall we are looking to add several contract eDiscovery Review Counsel to our team in Calgary.


Heuristica Discovery Counsel is a boutique law firm that is focused exclusively on the provision of intelligent and innovative electronic discovery, evidence management and related litigation and legal services.


We take pride in the value we create for our clients by providing experienced eDiscovery counsel and conducting innovative discovery reviews.


Please visit our Careers page for more information about the position and how to apply.



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BCLMA and ILTA Host eDiscovery Workshop in Vancouver

BCLMA and ILTA Host eDiscovery Workshop in Vancouver

We are pleased to sponsor a BC Legal Management Association (BCLMA) and International Legal Technology Association (ILTA) joint session entitled “Best Practices for Implementing New Technologies in eDiscovery”.


Hosted by the Vancouver office of Borden Ladner Gervais LLP, Crystal O’Donnell, Heuristica’s Founder and CEO, will present a lunch session on new technologies in eDiscovery on Tuesday, May 15 at noon.


Advances in technology enable parties to conduct discovery without relying on traditional linear or ‘eyes-on’ review models.  Crystal will discuss best practices and emerging case law for implementing technology to successfully manage ediscovery in a defensible, proportionate and cost-effective manner. Read More

Heuristica Leads eDiscovery Workshop at Canadian Corporate Counsel Association National Conference

Heuristica Leads eDiscovery Workshop at Canadian Corporate Counsel Association National Conference

Heuristica is pleased to sponsor an eDiscovery workshop at the Canadian Corporate Counsel Association (CCCA) National Conference and In-House Counsel Worldwide (ICW) Summit.


The Conference theme this year is Beyond Borders:  Business and Law in the Global Village.


Crystal O’Donnell, Heuristica’s CEO and Senior Counsel, will lead a workshop entitled “Successfully Managing E-Discovery – A Primer for In-House Counsel“.


The workshop will cover important questions in-house counsel should be asking themselves including:


  • What happens when your organization is called on to produce electronically stored information (ESI)?
  • Do you have a discovery plan and production protocol in place?
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