Heuristica Enhances Faculty for CLE BC eDiscovery Program

Heuristica Enhances Faculty for CLE BC eDiscovery Program

Crystal O’Donnell, Founder and CEO, and Brian Pel, COO and Senior Counsel, both have been invited to participate as faculty in The Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia’s (CLE BC) eDiscovery and Electronic Evidence program.


The digital age is fully upon us as technology continues to re-shape and re-define the process of civil litigation.  With the rise of electronically stored information comes an array of issues relating to the management, search, and presentation of such digital information.


This comprehensive one-day program will quickly bring practitioners up to speed on current issues and best practices for effectively managing electronic evidence in the litigation process.… Read More

O’Donnell Receives OBA President’s Award

O’Donnell Receives OBA President’s Award

We are very pleased to announce that Crystal O’Donnell, Heuristica’s Founder and CEO, has been chosen to receive the 2020 Ontario Bar Associations’ (OBA) President’s Award.


The OBA President’s Award recognizes the significant contribution of an individual Canadian or Canadian organization, which, in the view of the OBA President, has made a significant contribution to the advancement of Justice in Ontario or elsewhere.


Upon hearing that she had been chosen to receive the award O’Donnell said, “I’m extremely honoured to have been selected to receive this award and to be considered to have made a significant contribution to the advancement of justice in Ontario by championing the need for more efficient discovery processes, the adoption of leading technology in legal practice and the promotion of access to justice in all areas of law”.… Read More

Calgary eDiscovery Seminar Series – Register Now!

Calgary eDiscovery Seminar Series – Register Now!

We are pleased to announce that, beginning in mid-February, we will sponsor and teach an eight-part legal eDiscovery Seminar Series in downtown Calgary on the fundamentals of modern discovery practices, including developments in case law. 


Unless it is a hand-written note, physical or oral evidence, all evidence is electronic.  Over the last number of years, Canadian case law and procedural rules have changed to recognize this reality.


Recent developments can have a significant impact on litigation/arbitration and regulatory proceedings as well as on our professional obligations and responsibilities to provide clients with advice and strategy to effectively deal with electronic evidence in a defensible and proportionate manner.… Read More

ILCO Fellowship Course – Electronic Discovery Practice and Principles

ILCO Fellowship Course – Electronic Discovery Practice and Principles

Leading eDiscovery practitioners from Heuristica Discovery Counsel will once again teach the Institute of Law Clerks of Ontario (ILCO) Fellowship Course “Electronic Discovery Practice and Principles“.


Designed for litigation support professionals and law clerks, this course will explore the legal and practical principles of electronic discovery in a legal practice context.


Using the Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) and the Sedona Canada Principles, we will discuss the issues and tasks underlying each phase of the process.  With an emphasis on proportionality and defensibility at every stage, practical information will be covered, including:


  • cooperative discovery planning
  • the supporting evidence required for discovery motions
  • and the admissibility of evidence

We also will cover how to best work in a cost-effective manner and bring value to the legal team and client.… Read More

Heuristica Sponsors Families on Giving Tuesday

Heuristica Sponsors Families on Giving Tuesday

On Giving Tuesday this year, Heuristica was pleased to sponsor three families this holiday season.


Through Holiday Helpers the firm sponsored three single-parent families with a total of four kids ranging from 5 to 8 years old.


The firm’s Office Manager, Annalee O’Donnell, organized the initiative and took it upon herself to shop for gifts for all three families according to lists provided by them and also prepared a customized stocking for each person.  Annalee said “it’s been awhile since I shopped for little kids and I actually had to look some things up on the internet to see what they were.” … Read More