Heuristica Discovery Counsel to Participate in CBA Webinar on Public Sector eDiscovery

Heuristica Discovery Counsel to Participate in CBA Webinar on Public Sector eDiscovery

E-Discovery in the Public Sector:  Tips and Strategies for Enhancing Legal Outcomes and Mitigating Risk


Rapid changes in legal technology necessitate ongoing process shifts to incorporate new capabilities that improve outcomes and decrease risk and cost. This is directly impacted by unique challenges faced by the public sector in eDiscovery, the administrative structures that govern the ability to collect data and the procurement of necessary technology.


On Wednesday, October 25th join a panel of knowledgeable lawyers with significant public sector eDiscovery experience to discuss tips and strategies to work with these challenges to improve your eDiscovery outcomes.


Our panel of eDiscovery counsel, composed of Duncan Fraser, Edwina Podemski and Crystal O’Donnell, respectively former counsel for the Governments of Canada, Alberta and Ontario, will be moderated by Martin Felsky, Senior Counsel at Heuristica Discovery Counsel.Read More

Heuristica Sponsors the CBA 2019 Competition Law Fall Conference

Heuristica Sponsors the CBA 2019 Competition Law Fall Conference

We are pleased to sponsor the annual CBA Competition Law Fall Conference in Ottawa October 17th and 18th.


This is the leading Canadian event for competition law and policy professionals.  The conference brings together all segments of the competition law community, including Canadian and international enforcement officials, in-house counsel, plaintiffs’ lawyers, defense lawyers, economists and academics in order to share knowledge, experience and advice regarding all areas of competition law and policy, including mergers, unilateral conduct, cartel and class action proceedings and deceptive marketing practices.


Participants will benefit from thoughtful and practical insights from distinguished panels of Canadian and international competition law experts, and they will leave the conference with a sound understanding of current and emerging issues in the area of competition law and policy.… Read More

Heuristica Sponsors CBA Competition Law Fall Conference

Heuristica Sponsors CBA Competition Law Fall Conference

We are pleased to sponsor the annual CBA Competition Law Fall Conference in Ottawa September 27th and 28th.


The conference is the leading Canadian event for competition law professionals and brings together all segments of the Canadian and global competition law community, including enforcement officials, in-house counsel, plaintiffs’ lawyers, defense lawyers, academics, and economists in order to share knowledge, experience, and advice regarding all areas of competition law.


Participants are exposed to thoughtful and practical insights from distinguished panels of competition law experts, and they leave the conference with a sound understanding of the leading issues in the area of competition law.… Read More

Crystal O’Donnell Elected to Ontario Bar Association Council

Crystal O’Donnell Elected to Ontario Bar Association Council

We are pleased to congratulate Crystal O’Donnell, founder and CEO of Heuristica Discovery Counsel, on her recent election to the Ontario Bar Association (OBA) Council.


The OBA is a branch of the Canadian Bar Association (CBA), an organization of lawyers formed to provide support by the profession to the profession so that it may render better service to its members and the public.  The association provides lawyers with opportunities to become more efficient and effective, to further their professional education and to keep abreast of current developments within the profession, nationally and provincially.


Throughout their two-year term, Council members:


  • act as ambassadors and liaisons for the OBA within their region
  • identify issues and opportunities and provide advice to the Board on how to address them
  • elect the Board of Directors (the decision making body of the Association) each year
  • are expected to bring forward general and regional issues of importance to members and to the profession, including:
    • Identification of issues in the region (practice or professional) that would benefit from OBA advocacy
    • Issues related to the operation or administration of the judicial system
    • Regional professional development needs
    • Issues related to the presence of the Association in the region

For more information about the OBA governance structure please visit their web site here.… Read More

Successfully Managing eDiscovery: What In-house Counsel Need to Know

Successfully Managing eDiscovery:  What In-house Counsel Need to Know

We’re pleased to sponsor and present the CBA/CCCA webinar “Successfully Managing eDiscovery:  What In-house Counsel Need to Know” on November 22, 2017 from 12:00 to 1:30 ET.


The webinar will provide in-house counsel with an understanding of how to successfully manage eDiscovery in a cost-effective manner.


Topics to be covered include best practices and legal obligations, key functionality to consider in choosing an eDiscovery review platform, defensible eDiscovery processes and innovative review methodologies.


The speakers include:


For more information or to register please visit the CBA web site here.… Read More