E-Discovery in the Public Sector: Tips and Strategies for Enhancing Legal Outcomes and Mitigating Risk
Rapid changes in legal technology necessitate ongoing process shifts to incorporate new capabilities that improve outcomes and decrease risk and cost. This is directly impacted by unique challenges faced by the public sector in eDiscovery, the administrative structures that govern the ability to collect data and the procurement of necessary technology.
On Wednesday, October 25th join a panel of knowledgeable lawyers with significant public sector eDiscovery experience to discuss tips and strategies to work with these challenges to improve your eDiscovery outcomes.
Our panel of eDiscovery counsel, composed of Duncan Fraser, Edwina Podemski and Crystal O’Donnell, respectively former counsel for the Governments of Canada, Alberta and Ontario, will be moderated by Martin Felsky, Senior Counsel at Heuristica Discovery Counsel. Martin has many years of experience in public sector eDiscovery as a consultant to governments across the country.
To learn more about this webinar, or to register, go to the CBA web site.