Clarification — Redactions of Irrelevant Information

Clarification — Redactions of Irrelevant Information

Michael Ross Associate   June 9, 2023 A recent family law decision from the Court of King’s Bench of Alberta, MBH v CKI, 2023 ABKB 284, clarifies the principles that apply in Alberta to redactions of non-privileged irrelevant information from otherwise relevant and material records.   The Court considered, inter alia, whether the Plaintiff/Respondent must produce redacted portions of previously produced medical/physician records. While medical information is often redacted as irrelevant personal information, the information here was potentially relevant to issues involving the primary care and control of the parties’ children.   The Court noted that, in Alberta, irrelevant information

Heuristica Sponsors the Ontario Legal Conference Cross Borders

Heuristica Sponsors the Ontario Legal Conference Cross Borders

Heuristica is pleased to sponsor the Ontario Legal Conference Cross Borders.   International and cross-border considerations frequently arise for Ontario lawyers while advising their clients today, often in unexpected places. Clients may have assets, vendors, suppliers, customers, data or business partners located outside of Canada’s borders. The legal implications and risks associated with this reality can be significant and widespread. Whether you are a solicitor or litigator, this expert faculty will share practical and timely insights to ensure you are ready to confidently advise your clients on how to navigate the challenges, opportunities and actualities of a global world.  

Heuristica Sponsors Toronto Law Association’s “In Conversation” Event

Heuristica Sponsors Toronto Law Association’s “In Conversation” Event

Heuristica is pleased to sponsor TLA’s “In Conversation” event with The Honourable Frank Iacobucci and Sheila Block.   The Honourable Frank Iacobucci, a former Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada and now senior counsel at Torys, is a living legend.   Sheila Block, recently appointed to the Order of Canada, is one of Canada’s top litigators and a past recipient of TLA’s Award of Distinction.   Join us on May 11th, in person or online, to participate in this event. For those attending in person, there will be wine and cheese and refreshments after the conversation.   To learn

Heuristica Sponsors the Advocates’ Society Spring Symposium 2023

Heuristica Sponsors the Advocates’ Society Spring Symposium 2023

  Heuristica is pleased to sponsor the Advocates’ Society Spring Symposium 2023: A Moment in Time – Current Events, Legitimacy and the Justice System.   Join us on April 26th to attend the 22nd Annual Spring Symposium with the Advocates’ Society and the American College of Trial Lawyers to participate in this continuing professional development and networking event for civil litigators.   This practical program features the latest developments, strategies, tools and tips for success in your practice.   Registration includes educational materials, which will be provided prior to the program.   To find out more about this event, or

Heuristica Sponsors The Advocates’ Society Annual Alberta Gala in Calgary

Heuristica Sponsors The Advocates’ Society Annual Alberta Gala in Calgary

Heurisitca is pleased to sponsor The Advocates’ Society Annual Gala for its Alberta members.   Join us for this exclusive evening of collegiality and celebrate excellence in advocacy with the Alberta Bench and Bar.   The evening program will feature the presentation of the Alberta Excellence in Mentoring Award and a much anticipated keynote from one of Canada’s most noted and extraordinary advocates, Marie Henein, Henein Hutchison Robitaille LLP.     The gala will be held at Hudson in Calgary and will include a host cocktail reception, three-course dinner with wine, after-party and an unforgettable evening with the Bench and