Kelly Friedman, Heuristica’s Chief Legal Data Intelligence Officer and Senior Counsel, is a featured speaker at the ADRIC 2024 National Conference and will present Reimagining Redfern 25 Years Later. This session will discuss developments in the law and technology and provide practical suggestions on how the Redfern process can be reimagined to continue to meet its underlying principles.
Join us in Toronto on October 24th for the 50th AGM and Annual National Conference! Together leaders from the ADR sector, organizations and government from across the country will provide attendees with inspiring, innovative and interactive plenary, keynotes, hands-on workshops, comprehensive panel discussions and great networking opportunities
Crystal O’Donnell, Chief Executive Officer and Senior Counsel at Heuristica and Chief Executive Officer, iJudicate will be moderating the session. Joining Kelly on the panel will be:
Kathryn Manning, Partner, DMG Advocates LLP
Andrea Lee, Partner, Glaholt Bowles
Theresa Nolan, Partner, Commercial Litigation at Gowling WLG
To find out more about this conference, or to register, please go to the ADRIC website.