Guests at the Opening Reception of Vivian Suter's La Canícula. The Power Plant, Toronto, 2018. Photo: Henry Chan.

We are happy to sponsor “La Canícula“, an art exhibition by Vivian Suter with Elisabeth Wild at The Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery in Toronto.


The exhibition marks the Canadian debut for both artists who currently live in Guatemala.


“Vivian Suter’s works are partnerships; with the mud, rain, insects that crawl across the soil and the avocados and mangos that drop from the trees surrounding her home in Panajachel.  When Hurricane Stan (2005) and Tropical Storm Agatha (2010) flooded her studio and left watermarks across all her canvases, the artist began to embrace the unpredictability of her natural surroundings.  Since then, Suter has moved her canvases between the indoors and outdoors, allowing the constantly changing weather to commingle with her process.”


Elisabeth Wild, Suter’s mother, “has worked in several media over the years, but collage-making has become her primary medium.  The act of cutting and reassembling from the pages of glossy magazines is a daily meditative exercise for the artist, in which she formulates new landscapes and iconographies — what she calls Fantasías.  These works are self-contained universes, operating in the realm of Surrealism by drawing from the natural world without referring to it.”


Brian Pel, Heuristica’s COO and Senior Counsel, has been a Director of The Power Plant for several years and notes “that Heuristica is pleased and proud to support the Power Plant and its ambitious international artist exhibition program.”


The exhibition is free and runs until December 30th.  For more information visit The Power Plant’s web site.


Photo:  Guests at the Opening Reception of Vivian Suter’s La Canícula. The Power Plant, Toronto, 2018. Photo: Henry Chan.


