Crystal O’Donnell, Heuristica’s Chief Executive Officer and Senior Counsel, will speak at the Alberta Legal Technology Conference in Edmonton on February 24, 2017.
Chaired by James T. Swanson, the conference is intended to investigate currently available and imminent future technology. Crystal will speak on the growing importance of electronic discovery with a focus on proportionality, planning considerations, and how the appropriate use of technology promotes proportionality while improving efficiency and accuracy.
The full conference program includes sessions on:
- e-Discovery and Litigation Management
- Remote Workplaces, Virtual Law Firms, and the Technology-Augmented Lawyer
- Technology for Sole Practitioners and Small Firms
- Project Management for Lawyers
- Courtroom Technology; and
- A View of the Near Future
The program is targeted to all levels of practitioners, in all areas of law, who are interested in learning about technology and its implications in a legal setting. For more information, or to register, please visit the Legal Education Society of Alberta (LESA) website here.