Crystal O’Donnell to Speak at Legal Entrepreneurship Panel

On April 1st, Crystal O’Donnell will speak at the Commercial Litigation Women’s Breakfast.


As part of a panel discussion, Crystal will discuss alternative pathways for women entrepreneurs in the law.


The event is hosted by the Commercial Litigation Practice Group of the Advocates’ Society.


More information about Practice Groups can be found on the Advocate’s Society website.


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Crystal O’Donnell’s EDRM interview

A recent interview of Crystal O’Donnell, Founder and President of Heuristica, can be found on the website of the Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM).


In the interview Crystal discusses the unique approach that Heuristica takes to e-discovery, her involvement with Sedona Canada, and differences between Canadian and American procedural rules relating to electronically stored information.


Click here to read the interview.



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Crystal O’Donnell to teach E-Discovery Course

Starting on January 12th, Crystal O’Donnell will teach an e-Discovery course at the Institute of Law Clerks of Ontario (ILCO).


The course will be taught at the ILCO Education Centre in Toronto.


The course, e -Discovery Advanced Theory & Practices for Litigation Support, is designed for law clerks and litigation support professionals. The course provides students with an understanding of each phase of the e-discovery process, with a focus placed on the Electronic Discovery Reference Model and the Sedona Canada Principles. An emphasis will also be placed on providing students with practical information about cooperative discovery planning, working in a cost-effective manner, and proportionality.… Read More

O’Donnell to Speak at Technology in Practice Conference

Crystal O’Donnell will speak at this year’s Technology in Practice conference.


The conference takes place November 5th & 6th in Toronto.


Crystal will speak on a panel about non-linear approaches to document review. The panelists will discuss the extent to which non-linear review is becoming the new industry standard. Panelists will also provide practical insights on how counsel can ensure that technology assisted review adds value for their clients.


More information about the panel discussion and materials can be found on the Conference’s website.


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O’Donnell to Speak at Ontario e-Discovery Institute

On October 29th, Crystal O’Donnell will speak at the Ontario e-Discovery Institute 2015 taking place in Toronto.


Speaking on the opening panel, Crystal will discuss Canadian e-discovery developments that have occurred in 2015.


The Ontario e-Discovery Institute is a full-day conference organized by the Ontario Bar Association. The Institute brings together experts to discuss issues at the forefront of e-discovery practice.


More information, including a complete list of speakers and a schedule, can be found on the OBA website.

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