2018 was a huge success for the firm and to keep pace with client expectations and growth we have been busy with …
Getting more space …
We outgrew our old space so in October we moved into larger, more modern offices on Bay Street. The new space can accommodate more and larger review teams, client meeting and work spaces, and is enabled with enhanced technology rooms with state-of-the-art security. Our new address is:
655 Bay Street, Suite 400, Toronto, Ontario, M5K 2K4
All email and telephone numbers remain unchanged.
Opening a new office in Western Canada …
We have added several new important clients in the West and to better serve them and our existing clients we have opened a Western Canada office in Calgary at:
555 4th Ave. SW, Suite 1620, Calgary, Alberta, T2P 3E7
Hiring more expertise …
To meet the increasingly sophisticated technical requirements of our clients we have expanded and enhanced our technical team with the addition of 5 full time staff located across the country.
Extending support coverage …
Our technical team now is pleased to offer personalized support coverage from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm EST with a local presence in Victoria, Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto.
Reorganizing the firm structure …
To best accommodate growth and to expand the firm nationally we changed the corporate structure from a PC to a LLP. Watch for the Law Society of Ontario announcement and for our ad in the March 15th edition of the Ontario Reports.
Being recognized as leaders …
With all this going on we also have been recognized as a national leader in:
- Legal Process Outsourcing
- Document Review
- Litigation Support
- eDiscovery Consulting
by readers of Canadian Lawyer and Canadian Lawyer InHouse magazines.
And on top of that, for the second straight year Crystal O’Donnell, Heuristica’s Founder, CEO and Senior Counsel, has been recognized as one of just 15 leading e-Discovery lawyers in Canada and Heuristica was recognized as one of 51 leading e-Discovery firms in Canada and the USA by International Who’s Who Legal.
Thank you for your vote of confidence in what we do!
If you have questions about the services we provide or wish to discuss your eDiscovery needs please contact us at info@discoverycounsel.ca.